Roxanne supported the featurettes with a monetary contribution entitling her to a major role in one of the featurettes. She is not an actress, so this was something totally new for her. The Director, Michael Babbitt, assured her that he would be able to direct her in the role of Maisy for the featurette “The Long Road”, where she plays a psychotic mother, torn by internal demons. In real time, she is actually already dead, but in a series of flashbacks, you learn about her relationship with her son, Noah, played by Bo Keister.

Roxanne has worked in the TV and film industry for years, but always behind the scenes, as a set designer, so she was familiar with the atmosphere, but was a little apprehensive about being on camera. She asked Michael how to play her role, but he told her only to “feel” it and let herself be drawn into the role as it played out. This was unsettling, but she trusted Michael. It was actually amazing when she and Bo interacted the first time, as their eyes met. She allowed him to “enter” her soul, and they interacted in a way that surprised everyone, including Roxanne. Michael was right – not trying to force anything, but allowing it to happen, was the best thing that could have happened.

The whole experience was delightful for Roxanne, and, although she may not act again, it was something she will never forget.

Director’s note: It was equally a delight for the director, cast and crew to have worked with Roxanne. So much so no one could ever conceive of Noah’s mama in any other way.