Masamune Fight Choreography Video
Here’s an exclusive to just the folks in our Members of the Doomed circle. We spent one entire day (you can see some photos here) working through the choreography for the fight scene in Masamune no Kimi. Then at the end of the day, after everything was set we did…more
Scouting and Matching Storyboards
Here is an excerpt of an email conversation from the director to the production designer concerning locations. “Without a schematic I”m having a little difficulty orienting myself. Schematic and storyboard included below. What is in the door that’s right next to the desk and window in this pic(1) ? Is…more
Hollywood RIP Horror Film Festival
Great news. “Sacrifice” was accepted into the 2015 Hollywood RIP Film Festival. You can check out their Facebook page for more information. Looks like we’re going to Hollywood. 😀…more