It was a long and very cold night for many (although looking at the images you can probably take a good stab at who was in his element.) The Highlights (but only some, too many to name).  The amazing people. Gina Paschall owner of Triangle Used Tires (the location).  Our extras…more

Our next short production, featuring the character of Matthew Jackman, gets underway this weekend. Jackman has been down on his luck most of his life, tonight is no different, except tonight the rest of the world is down on it’s luck, too. We’re filming Saturday (3/8) from about 18:00 until…more

Here are some selections of our concept art for The Endless Whispers. These pieces were created by the very talented Grace Stott. Check back, over the course of the next couple of months we’ll be adding about dozen in total. Enjoy.…more

All pictures taken by Cynthia Duke Photography. ©2014, Project Whiskey. Game Over wrapped a little over a week ago. It was a pretty darn good day. Started bright and early around 5:30 (with a lot of prep the previous day). The crew was on-set by 7:00, cast by 9:00, first shot…more